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School Overview


All members of the Lincolnwood School community excel by engaging in meaningful learning. We use our curiosity to explore in a safe, supportive, enriching environment to become responsible members of society.


We will never stop learning and growing.

Lincolnwood Elementary School

Lincolnwood services students in grades K-5 who live in certain areas of northwest Evanston (attendance area map). Students may begin arriving at 8:50am, instruction begins at 9:05am, and the school day ends at 3:35pm. Click for more information on drop-off and pick up procedures, or for the bell schedule as well as childcare and extracurricular programming

Additionally, Lincolnwood houses STEP for north side Evanston K-5 students. The Structured Teaching Education Program (STEP) is a self-contained, special education program primarily for students who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

For more information: